EConoM – Edge-Computing, KI und 5G-Campusnetze in nomadischer Anwendung für das Management von Baustellen

Another project was successfully launched in 2023 at the Reference Construction Site in Aachen:

Together with the project sponsor TÜV Rheinland and seven other consortium partners, we are working on the EConoM research project - funded as part of the “Innovative Network Technologies” programme by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport. In the EConoM project, 5G, AI and edge computing are being further developed on the basis of the requirements of the construction industry, with the aim of advancing or enabling the optimization and automation of the construction site.

Compared to the development of other sectors, the construction industry is still characterised by a low level of digitalisation. With a construction volume of 488 billion euros in 2021, the construction industry has the highest development potential in the areas of digitalisation and automation (source: German Institute for Economic Research). However, the use of digital tools on the construction site itself often fails due to non-existent or insufficient IT infrastructure. This is where the use of edge computing in conjunction with nomadic networks can bring a breakthrough, as they enable the real-time processing of large amounts of data generated on the construction site.

In order to secure the German and European construction industry and to advance Germany as a location for technology and innovation, research into and development of the automation of construction sites are indispensable. The combination of key technologies from 5G campus networks, edge computing, artificial intelligence and Digital Twin enables the automation and further optimisation of processes within the construction site.

For more information, visit and

We are looking forward to the collaboration with Fraunhofer Fokus, Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HOCHTIEF Vicon GmbH, planen-bauen 4.0 GmbH, Uniberg GmbH, Zeppelin Rental, Construction Robotics GmbH and TÜV Rheinland

Apr 12, 2023

Team Member Wanted

We are looking for highly motivated people for teaching, research and development in digital construction & construction robotics.

We are working on follow-up IoC (Internet of Construction) projects - cyber-physical systems and further innovative technologies in communication and network control that aim to improve the efficiency, safety and sustainability of the construction industry through the use of automation and robotics. Our team is committed to develop and implement in Europe`s first large scale test bed at Campus Melaten Reference Construction Site beeing part of the 5G Industry Campus Europe and collaborating with industry and research partners.

We are looking for a qualified Architect/Civil Engineer with experience in teaching as well as organisation and management to organise and manage the Master “Construction & Robotics” as well as support in teaching PDF here.

We are looking for a research assistant who has experience in the acquisition, processing and management of industrial and research projects to take over the set-up and implementation of real test scenarios on the reference construction site Campus Melaten and has intentions for a doctorate in the field of construction robotics. PDF here.

We look forward to meeting you!

Jan 18, 2023

Die Bauindustrie NRW zu Gast an der RWTH Aachen

Exklusiv für Mitgliedsunternehmen und Universitätspartner veranstaltet der Bauindustrieverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. mit Unterstützung der BWI-Bau GmbH Institut der Bauwirtschaft den jährlich stattfindenden HochschultagNRW. Ziel ist der Austausch zwischen Unternehmen und Hochschulen. Auf Einladung von Frau Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan vom Lehrstuhl für Individualisierte Bauproduktion fand der diesjährige Hochschultag an der RWTH Aachen, statt. Thema der diesjährigen Tagung ist die Industrialisierung in der Bauwirtschaft:

Die Bauindustrie 4.0 aus Sicht von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft: Wo liegen die Schnittmengen, wo gibt es noch Lücken? Was können die Protagonisten der Bauwirtschaft tun, um Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Lehre noch besser in der Praxis zu verankern? Welche Projekte sind wegweisend? Was sind die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen? Ist die Bauindustrie NRW bereit für die Transformation?

Herzlichen Dank an alle Gäste und Referenten für die starken Impulse und den interessanten Austausch:

Ministerin Ina Brandes, Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing.Thomas Bergs, Daniel Strücker, Prof. Beate Wiemann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Schnellenbach-Held, Prof. Dr.-Sc. Gunnar Lühr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ferger, Manuel Kimanov, Dr. Arno Malcher, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Prof. Dr. Robert Schmitt, Dr.-Ing. Bernd Garska, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Malkwitz, Yannick Maciejewski, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Nyhsen, Sascha Wiehager

Dec 6, 2022

We are lucky to have spent the whole week on the topics that give us the most pleasure anyway

A week full of impressions, meetings, and plenty of new insights at bauma 2022 – the IP Team and the CCR Team of the RWTH Aachen as well 30 students of our Construction & Robotics Master spend inspiring and interesting days on the bauma 2022. After a wonderful second place in the BAUMA Innovation Award, deepened partnerships, numerous new contacts, and lots of ideas, we will let sink in a bit before we discuss and share them at our livinglab at the ReferenceConstructionSite.

Thank you bauma and like-minded people out there for this great inspiration!

Nov 3, 2022

The Chair of Individualized Production at RWTH Aachen University wins 2nd place at the bauma Innovation Award 2022

The sustainability project ROBETON convinces the jury in the category of research and misses the victory with just one percentage point behind the winners of the Institute for Mechanical Engineering of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg with their Deep Sea Sampling project.

Munich, October 23, 2022 At the opening of the 33rd World’s Leading Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines, Construction Vehicles, and Construction Equipment, the bauma 2022 Innovation Award was presented on Sunday evening. The team led by Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan from the Chair of Individualized Production at RWTH Aachen University won second place with the ROBETON project.

The ROBETON research project aims to dismantle concrete walls in a minimally invasive way to prepare them for reuse in the circular economy in construction. By digitally upgrading a BROKK demolition machine to a (partially) automated robot, a new sustainable process for the safe, controlled deconstruction and subsequent reuse of concrete building components as a source of secondary building products is being developed at RWTH Aachen University. Currently, there are neither fully nor partially automated solutions on the market. This gap is now to be closed.

“We will only be able to solve the challenges of our time in collaboration with industry. I am pleased that, together with our supporters and partners, we can make a creative contribution to the circular economy of construction with the ROBETON project. Instead of developing new robots, we are taking the approach of digitally developing reliable industry-proof construction machines into robots. We would like to thank the jury for this significant recognition and the exciting competition!” says Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and emphasizes: “Many thanks also to our supporters for their trust, to our partners for their active support and the entire IP team at RWTH for such passionate work!

The ROBETON research project is funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development (BBSR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development (BMWSB) with funds from the #ZukunftBau research grant. Furthermore, the project is supported by the project partners Hilti AG and BROKK DA GmbH as well as the associated project partners PORR Group; EIFFAGE, LEONHARD WEISS, HKS Drehantriebe, Kerschgens, the ifm Group and igus.

The Bauma Innovation Award is presented every three years at bauma, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building materials machinery, mining machinery, construction vehicles, and construction equipment. With this award, the organizers honor research and development teams from companies and universities that bring cutting-edge technology for the construction, building materials, and mining industries to market maturity, while keeping an eye on resources, the environment, and people. This year, bauma will be held in Munich from October 24 to 30, 2022.

Please find the link to our project video from the 2.nd place of bauma innovation award 2022 - Research here:

Further information:

Oct 27, 2022