Important Updates about 2020 Summer Semester

Due to the Corona virus, RWTH University has released regulations to secure the health of RWTH students and staffs. According to the regulations, we would like to inform you about some updates of the coming 2020 Summer Semester.

The 2020 Summer Semester will start from 6th of April. However, we will provide all the lectures and workshops only in DIGITAL form, such as online courses, digital script, Email consultancy and so on. Only from 20th of April, the offline courses are possibly available. Please pay attention to the information in your RWTH Moodle ( We will provide you with all the news and learning materials in Moodle. To enter Moodle, you will need a VPN.

For our new Construction & Robotics master students, the above-mentioned updates applies to the CR 2020 Summer Semester as well. Detailed information about the 2020 Summer Semester courses and the instruction on course selection will be uploaded onto Moodle on 27th of March. If there are any questions, please write Email to

Mar 18, 2020